Explore our map of research institutions and organisations who have carried out research presented here on DROPLET

You can easily browse the map. When you click on an icon you will be given the option to view more details about that specific project. The information about this project will appear under the map display. You will then have the option to view the full details of the project on a separate web-page. This map also displays Water Research Infrastructure information in a separate layer.

About this map

This map spatially displays all the projects listed in DROPLET according to the geographical location of the Lead Irish Research Institution or Organisation for the project. It does not show the location of any field studies associated with the project.

ACCURACY OF GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES ON THE MAP: The use of geographical coordinates for this map-based display is for information visualization purposes only. The coordinates are not intended to be very accurate and only are used to indicate the general area where the research project was managed, hosted or carried out in. The "pin on the map" for each project should help identify the approximate location where the institute or organisation involved in the research are located. It is not linked in any way to the location of an individual.