IShannonSACLAEO - Restoration of the Lr.Shannon SAC for Sea lamprey, Atlantic salmon and European otter

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Project Metadata ElementDetails
  Project Title IShannonSACLAEO - Restoration of the Lr.Shannon SAC for Sea lamprey, Atlantic salmon and European otter
Research Area Water
Project Acronym IShannonSACLAEO
  Principal Investigator or Lead Irish Partner Ruairi O Conchuir (IE)
  Lead Institution or Organisation Inland Fisheries Ireland; Limerick County Council
 Lead Country Ireland
 Latitude, Longitude (of Lead Institution) 53.29311, -6.42127; 52.63896, -8.64550
  Lead Funding Entity LIFE
  Approximate Project Start Date 01/01/2009
  Approximate Project Finishing Date 31/12/2014
  Project Website (if any) http://www.mulkearlife.com/
  Links to other Web-based resources
 Project Keywords Protected area; Biodiversity; Wetland; Restoration measure
  Project Abstract Background: The project will focus on the river Mulkear, which forms part of the Lower Shannon Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The site is important for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), European otter (Lutra lutra), river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilus) and brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) of which the first three species are being targeted by this project. The conservation status of the site has, over the years, come increasingly under pressure because of an extended period of mismanagement of both the river itself and its catchment. Since the 1850s, river modification has straightened the river channel and removed meanders resulting in a uniform channel with high embankments. The regular drainage maintenance continues to remove woody debris and other vegetative material likely to form pools and diverse habitats suitable for juvenile salmon. Other examples of river modification work include the installation of a series of weirs that act as impediments to the upstream passage of sea lamprey. Significant threats to the site and its species also come from years of decline of the riparian areas of the river. Contributing to this decline has been the planting of exotic conifers and the spread of invasive plants, such as giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) and Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) which, left unchecked, will have serious repercussions on native vegetation, river bank stability, sedimentation of spawning beds and ultimately on the habitat and food of salmon, sea lamprey and otter. Objectives: The aim of the project is to bring about a significant and sustained enhancement of the Lower Shannon SAC and, in particular, Atlantic salmon, sea lamprey and European otter. More specifically the project aims to enhance the salmon and sea lamprey populations by restoring degraded habitat in river reaches along the river Mulkear using best practice techniques in 'instream' habitat rehabilitation. Obstacles to the upstream passage of sea lamprey will also be removed with the aim to open up most of the catchment for spawning and recruitment. The project also aims to stop and reverse the damage caused by invasive exotic plants, such as giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, as well as non-native conifers (Sitka spruce) in the river's riparian zone. The improvement of breeding, resting habitat and food supply of otters is another key objective that will be achieved through habitat assessment and the creation of artificial sites where considered necessary. Water quality problems caused by cattle accessing the river and its tributaries will also be addressed by working with local farmers to develop alternative solutions for watering cattle. Finally extensive advocacy and advisory work will aim to further develop strong community links as well as promote education and awareness of the issues at both local and national levels.