Adaptive Responses to Climate Impacts (ARC)

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Project Metadata ElementDetails
  Project Title Adaptive Responses to Climate Impacts (ARC)
Research Area EPA Climate Pillar: Socio-economic solutions and technologies
Project Acronym ARC
  Principal Investigator or Lead Irish Partner Thomas McDermott
  Lead Institution or Organisation University College Cork (UCC)
 Lead Country Ireland
 Latitude, Longitude (of Lead Institution) 51.8932122998896,-8.492721319198608
  Lead Funding Entity Environmental Protection Agency
  Approximate Project Start Date 01/03/2016
  Approximate Project Finishing Date 01/09/2017
  Project Website (if any)
  Links to other Web-based resources
 Project Keywords Climate impacts; Irish economy; Flooding; Adaptation; Policy; Stakeholder engagement
  Project Abstract The aim of the ARC (Adaptive Responses to Climate impacts) project is to develop a framework for costing the impacts of climate change on the Irish economy and assessing the options for adaptation, with a specific focus on the role of key stakeholders. By addressing a current gap in the information available to those who wish to design adaptation strategies this research bridges the gap from vulnerability and impact assessments to the formulation of evidence-based adaptation plans. We will apply our framework to the specific case of flood risk in the Cork/South West region of Ireland. The project will begin with a stakeholder forum, to include policy makers, local authorities, business groups and the insurance industry, to assess information needs and concerns of those exposed to current and future climate risks. Our analysis will then concentrate on two parallel but interlinked research strands; (1) empirical estimates of the costs of climate impacts without adaptation – with a particular focus on flooding and (2) investigating the range of adaptation options available, including the appropriate role for insurance. The outputs from our project will include recommendations on the use of tools and methods for costing climate impacts; findings from the empirical study on costs of flooding; policy recommendations on the design of adaptation strategies; and implications for private sector including insurance. Our research agenda will be stakeholder and policy-driven, resulting in outputs aimed directly at policy-makers (including policy briefs and papers), but will also be of the highest international academic standards and result in publications in top-ranking international peer-reviewed journals. Our approach involves stakeholder engagement from the outset, with the aim of tailoring our research to the needs of policymakers and other interested parties and ensuring the take-up and enduring influence of our findings beyond the life of the research project. The ARC project also fosters inter- and trans-disciplinary research in Ireland and strengthens the liaison with the international research community on costs of climate change.